Wednesday, November 25, 2015

You Might Be Surprised!

Ashleigh is a part of our church family here at New Calvary Baptist.   She has been posting Bible verses on Facebook and texting them to people she knows.   At times she has wondered if this was making a difference.  But one night at a church service, another lady stood up and testified about a family crisis she has experienced.  She then looked at Ashleigh, in front of everyone, and said "You may not realize this, but those Bible verses you posted online helped me through some tough times."

Ashleigh was surprised.  God had used her.  And she had no idea what a difference her actions made.

I've been blogging for a while, and at times I've wondered if this does any good for people.  But one day my friend, Tim Baker, posted a message on my Facebook page.  He explained that he prints off copies of my blog posts and mails them to a friend, who is in prison.  So far, Tim has mailed him over 300 printed copies of these blog posts.  And the man in prison is sharing them with other inmates.

Like Ashleigh, I too was surprised.  God has used me.  And I had no idea what a difference my actions made.

These two stories combine to make one point:  God often accomplishes things through you and me when we do not even realize it.  At times, He flows through our words and deeds to touch hearts, stretch minds, open eyes, change lives, and bless others.  He is impacting people around us without even notifying us.  

Be faithful in reaching out and loving on people.  Care for the suffering.  Feed the hungry.  Shelter the homeless.  Befriend the lonely.  Defend the weak.  Share the gospel.  And do not think you're failing to make an impact.  You are a special tool in the hands of the Almighty, and by using you, He is accomplishing great things you may not be aware of.

Yep, you might be surprised at the difference God is making in the world through you.  So keep your chin up, refuse to quit, and stay faithful.  God is at work, even when you don't know it.

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