Friday, May 8, 2015

The Old Green Furniture

I was driving through Palmetto Plaza today when I noticed it.

There's a place where people can donate items for those who are less fortunate in our community.  Usually it's clothes people leave.  But today I saw where someone left old furniture on the pavement. It was green, beat up, and in awful shape.
I shook my head when I saw it.  Someone basically dumped trash for the needy.  That was not so much of a good donation at all.

I'm glad God gives in the opposite manner.  He doesn't donate Heaven's old left-overs.  Not at all!  When He gives, it's extravagant, life-changing, and wonderful.  The best things in life come from Him.  God blesses our needy hearts with peace for our storms, strength for our battles, wisdom for our decisions, and hope for our future.  But wait, it gets even better!  He grants us forgiveness for our sins and salvation for our souls.  And it all comes our way through Jesus Christ!

The greatest needs of our lives can't be met by mankind.  But they can be easily handled by our awesome God.  Look to Him and see that He gives His very best, time after time.  Let God bless you today!

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