Wednesday, April 1, 2015

At Peace

For years I looked ahead and wondered "What's next?" rather than enjoying what was going on right around me.  I wondered where I would work next, where we would live next, and what ever else would be next.  There was this restlessness deep within me and I never quite knew what to do with it.  
Now that I'm a little older and a tad farther along in my life's journey, I find myself at a neat spot:  I am at peace.  And it feels really good.  Thanks be to God, I am satisfied and content.  I look around me and see that I have a wife, four kids, a ministry, a home, good health, and simplicity.  I can say with sincerity that I like where I am in life.
Isn't it neat how God helps us work through that?  He teaches us to be content with what we have and to enjoy this moment we're living in right now.  And He enables us to count our blessings while recognizing how fortunate we are.
The Apostle Paul addresses this in Philippians 4.  He states in verse 12, "I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."  Now that's a great secret to learn!  So, what exactly is the secret?  In verse 13 he explains, "I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."  There it is.  Paul is saying that when his focus is on the Lord, he can be content regardless of his location or circumstances.
What is true for Paul is also true for you and me.  We are most at peace when we are closest with the Lord.  And this peace satisfies the longing of our hearts so that we can enjoy the moment. 
Here's some friendly advice I have for you:  Choose to embrace this season of your life in the Lord.  Live in it.  Celebrate it.  It would be a shame to always wonder about the next moment and miss out on appreciating this moment. 
At peace.  I truly believe that's how God wants us to live.  May we all find that wonderful treasure in Him. 

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