Monday, July 14, 2014

A Special Delivery

Emerson, my son, made a special delivery recently.

He and our daughters spent a few days with my parents and other relatives in Callaway Gardens, which is outside of Atlanta.  They had a great time.  Lara and I were not able to join them, so we stayed back.  

When everyone came home, Emerson handed me a white box.  I opened it up to find leaves, pine cones, rocks, and sticks.  Also, he had drawn a smiley face under his hand written message which read as follows:  "Now you can see Callaway Gardens.  From Emerson.  To Mom and Dad."  

What an awesome, special delivery that was!  Since we had not experienced Callaway Gardens ourselves, he decided to bring it to us.  It really touched my wife and me.

As I sit here, I realize we Christians have a special delivery we can make to others.

When we encountered the gospel and were saved by grace, we entered into an eternal relationship with God.  Our sins were forgiven.  Our souls were rescued.  What a blessing that was, is, and forever will be.

But others have yet to experience that.  We rub shoulders with people who have not encountered the gospel or the saving grace of God.  Their sins are not forgiven and their souls are lost.  

We must deliver to them the good news of the gospel.  It is imperative that we enable them to see the wonder of God's grace, like Emerson enabled us to see Callaway Gardens.  Since they have not experienced salvation themselves, we need to take the good news of God's grace to them.  

How do we do this?  Well, here are two ways:  (1) We can show them what the Bible says.  (2) We can show them what difference God has made in our lives.

Any son or daughter of God can do this.  All that's required is a willingness to make the most special delivery.  So you can do it!

I thanked Emerson many times for what he gave us.

And there will be people in Heaven who thank us countless times for caring enough to deliver to them the saving truth of the gospel.

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