Friday, July 4, 2014

A July 4th Thought

Today is July 4, 2014.  A big day for us Americans!  Why is that?  Well, on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which stated that our country will forever be free from the rule of Great Britain.  The reason July 4th is such a big day for us is that we pause to celebrate our freedom as a nation.

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our American forefathers, who stood strong and won our freedom from foreign rule.  They were willing to risk it all because they believed in liberty.  May we never forget their work that still blesses us over two hundred years later.

Yes, July 4 is the day we celebrate our national freedom.

But every day we Christians can celebrate our spiritual freedom.

Jesus Christ did not sign a document for our liberty.  He sacrificed His own life and allowed Himself to be publicly executed on a Roman cross so we could be free.  And His work still blesses us all centuries later.

"Christ has set us free", says Galatians 5:1.

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed", says John 8:36.

When we place our faith in the resurrected, living Jesus Christ and confess Him as Lord, He declares us free!  Free from the penalty of sin.  Free from an eternity in Hell.  Free from guilt, worry, emptiness, dread, and other dark oppressors that can hold the human heart in bondage.

Say "Yes!" to Jesus Christ.  Accept His gift of freedom today.  Watch those cold, hard, heavy shackles fall to the ground.  And enjoy the liberty that only He can give.

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