Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Bush Of Terror

This huge bush is in our back yard.  It's tall and wide.  Over twice as tall as my 8 year old son.  And it strikes terror in him.  He won't go near it.  Why?  Because I killed a big snake in it a couple of years ago.  My boy refuses to get close to it because he is scared more snakes are in it.

What scares you?

Maybe it's not a big bush.  But it could be that huge stack of bills, or that bad set of test results from the doctor, or that crumbling marriage.  

I'll ask again:  What scares you?

When you are afraid, remember this:  "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged; for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  This is Joshua 1:9.

That verse has two commands:  Be strong.  Be courageous.

Next it forbids two things:  Being afraid.  Being discouraged.

Finally it has one promise:  God will always be with you and me.

Here's the point:  Regardless of what scares you, remember that God is with you, stand strong, and live courageously.

No bill, medical report, relationship problem, or snake-filled bush is too much for God to handle.  And, this all-powerful God lives in your heart if you trust in Jesus.  So that means you can boldly do your thing and live your life.

Don't hold back with fear; instead, charge forward with courage!

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