Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Journey Of Life

"God has a plan for your life." - Rick Warren

"For I know the plans I have for you" - God (Jeremiah 29:11)

The other day, I was looking through an old scrapbook when I noticed a picture that had never caught my eye before.
It was of my youngest brother, Wyman, and me.  The year was 1978 or '79.  And the location was here in Sumter, SC.

But this was the interesting part of it:  We were standing in the backyard of our grandfather, Leon Richardson.  There behind us was a bus with the words "New Calvary Baptist" on the side.  Grandaddy was the pastor of New Calvary Baptist at that time.  And unbeknownst to me in that moment, I too would become the pastor of the same church about 35 years later!

That's how the journey of life goes.  It has plenty of surprises, twists, and turns.  The future is a mystery to you and me, and we have no idea what awaits us.

Maybe you wonder at times about your life.  What will happen in the days, months, and years to come?  Perhaps the mystery of tomorrow causes you to scratch your head today.

Here's how I heard someone put it:  "I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future."  Of course this "Who" is God.  He is in control, and He knows what is to come.  Furthermore, He will accompany us every step of the way as each new day unfolds before us.  His presence, peace, power, and purpose will help us regardless of what awaits us.

I had no idea that I would grow up and get to pastor the church who's bus was sitting there by Grandaddy's home.  But God knew.  And He prepared me for that moment before it arrived 35 years later.

You have no idea what your future holds either; however, you can rest easy in trusting The One who holds your future.  God has the right plan in mind for you, friend.  And He will stick with you every step of the way.

So don't worry or try too hard to figure out your future.  Just calmly live one day at a time and remember God knows what is around the corner.  He will equip and prepare your for whatever is ahead, and you'll be just fine in your journey of life.

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