Monday, August 11, 2014

Make Today Count

I just finished reading John Maxwell's book Make Today Count.

This must-read deals with what is necessary for any of us to be successful in our lives.  It is insightful, practical, and helpful.  In his introduction, Maxwell states the following:

"...the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.
If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well in your daily
agenda, you will succeed."

Then, to better explain his point, Maxwell explains it mathematically:

"Good Decisions + Daily Discipline=
A Masterpiece of Potential."

The rest of the book addresses twelve areas of our lives that require daily attention and discipline.  As I read about each of these areas, I felt at times like Maxwell had written this book just for me.  It really hit home in my mind and heart.  The twelve areas were attitude, priorities, health, family, thinking, commitment, finances, faith, relationships, generosity, values, and growth.  Each chapter was devoted to one of these important parts of our lives.

Maxwell, who writes from a Christian perspective, is a master when it comes to challenging and motivating.  With a positive tone, he uses real life illustrations, inspiring quotes, and scripture to drive home his points.  And he is a tremendous source of encouragement.

I'm glad I read this book.  It challenged me to take an honest look at my life and consider what I want to do with the rest of my life.  This was time well spent!

Let me encourage you to order this book and devour it.  Trust me, you'll be glad you did.  You won't be the same after reading his inspiring message.

To learn more about this book and order it, just click HERE

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